Welcome To The Barnham Spiritual Centre 

Monday Night Events

Welcome to Darren Hart Spiritual Medium, a place where the spiritual realm meets the physical world. Join us at Barnham Spiritual Centre for our weekly events of mediumship and other enlightening experiences. Discover the connection between the living and the departed in an atmosphere of warmth and healing.

At Barnham Spiritual Centre, we believe in the power of mediumship to bring comfort, closure, and guidance to those seeking answers. Our weekly events offer a unique opportunity to witness talented mediums connect with the spiritual realm, delivering messages of love and support from the other side. Join us as we explore the mysteries of the universe and celebrate the everlasting bond between this world and the next. Visit Darren Hart Spiritual Medium today and embark on a journey of spiritual discovery.

Monday 29th July 7.30pm

Evening of Psychic Detective with Darren Hart

Welcome to The Barnham Spiritual Centre where we invite you to join us for an exciting evening of psychic detective work. Step into the realm of mystery and intuition as we delve into real crimes and missing persons cases.

Become the psychic detective you've always wanted to be by working together in groups and utilizing your intuitive abilities. It's a unique opportunity to put your skills to the test and see if you can help solve the mystery using only your sixth sense. Come join us for an unforgettable experience!

This is a fun filled evening where you can join in if you wish with friends and have a tackle of a real crime as a psychic detective. 

This evening will be led by Darren Hart who is a qualified psychic detective.

Come delve into the world of psychic detection. 


£10.00 on the door

Doors open 7.30pm

We have our weekly raffle.

We except card payments

Please visit our Penny Coin Spiritual Shop for All Your Spiritual Gifts

You can pay on the Door for our Barnham Events

We invite you to explore the unseen world with trust and love. Visit us at Barnham Spiritual Centre, Barnham Community Hall, Murrells Field, Yapton Road, PO220AY for a spiritual journey like no other.

Welcome to the Barnham Spiritual Centre

Welcome to Barnham Spiritual Centre, where we embrace the spirit world with open arms.

At Barnham spiritual centre, experience evenings filled with connections to the other side through mediumship. It is a sanctuary of love and healing, offering sound baths to soothe your soul.

Join us in a space where spirits communicate, hearts connect, and healing energies flow freely. Let Barnham spiritual centre be your haven for spiritual growth, love, and profound experiences of mediumship. Step into our world of light and love, where every soul is welcomed with open arms.

Understanding their grief and what they are going through, will help provide the platform for the healing process they need in helping them move forward in a positive direction in their lives for the future, mediumship works in many forms in providing love & comfort for their healing journey ahead.

Darren is a well-known medium & mentor here in the Uk and overseas, he runs both his development school and spiritual centre for the development of mediumship & psychic studies,

The Barnham Spiritual Centre in West Sussex is a sanctuary of love where we provide evenings of mediumship, for those seeking communication from their loved ones in spirit, the centre is a loving sanctuary for everyone who walks through the doors, we hold demonstrations of mediumship on Monday evenings and everyone is welcome,

Darren has been running the centre for a few years and he loves every aspect of helping and healing souls at times of there life when needed.

For those who have been touched with grief we provide a beautiful environment for them to come and have a chat, we provide help and understanding to those in need, especially after the loss of a loved one, it may be just a comforting listening ear, but we are here.

We are a non-profit organisation as our objective is to keep our doors open for people to come and find a place of help & support in there moments of need, we are in the lovely village of Barnham in West Sussex and only a couple of minutes' walk from the train station so it makes it easy for public transport commuting, we are a new build with lovely facilities in a modern stylish community hall, if you travel by car then we have ample parking with disabled spaces available as well.

We have visiting mediums on a Monday night demonstrating mediumship and everyone is welcome we only charge a small entry fee our doors open at 7.30pm all our events are advertised on our Facebook page.

We have a shop with a small selection of crystal's, Tarot cards, Pendulums, Jewellery, Books, CDs, etc you can purchase refreshments as well.

Our centre is very friendly and there is a beautiful loving atmosphere here, many who come are very dedicated and they are locals and people who travel distance to come to our mediumship evenings, everyone is very welcome, and we are always seeing new faces come through our doors, as everyone is seeking their answers in life.

Please feel free to come and visit our centre on a Monday night for a demonstration of mediumship, you don't have to book you can just turn up and you will be met with a smile and a warm welcome.

We have




Free Parking

Easy Access

Hand Sanitizer

We Accept Card Payments Contactless

Barnham Spiritual Centre
Barnham Community Hall
Murrels Field

Yapton Road

Tel: 07749454281


Making a Donation to The Barnham Spiritual Centre

 We are dedicated to connecting you with your loved ones beyond the physical realm. Your support in making a donation helps keep the doors of the Barnham Spiritual Centre open for those seeking guidance and closure.

Together, we create a safe space for spiritual connections and healing. Your generosity allows us to continue our mission of bringing comfort and messages from the other side. Join us in this journey of love and understanding by donating today.

Darren encourages visitors to make a donation to the Barnham Spiritual Centre.

This non-profit organization aims to create a safe and uplifting environment for spiritual exploration, development, and healing.

By supporting the Barnham Spiritual Centre, you contribute to their mission of fostering spiritual understanding and providing resources for individuals on their spiritual journeys.

Your generous donation helps maintain the centre's facilities and supports various programs, workshops, and classes that empower individuals to embrace their own spiritual potentials.

Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of others and promote spiritual enrichment for all.

The Religion Of Spiritulism

Spiritualism is a religion that embodies the main ideas of all religions, that there is a life after death, immortality and the existence of God.

Spiritualism is a universal religion, Personal Responsibility’. We are given free will and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, therefore we alone are responsible for all our thoughts and actions. In addition, we are our own judge here and now and we will receive compensation and retribution,

The difference between Spiritualism and other religions is the ability, through mediumship, to prove that man survives physical death. Mediums are able to communicate with those who have died, thus furnishing conclusive evidence of the continuous existence of the human soul.

We do not automatically become spiritual when we leave this world. We shall, in fact, retain our earthly characteristics. Opportunities are available throughout eternity to make spiritual progress, as both free will and personal responsibility are still relevant.

Spiritualism is a progressive religion which can overcome materialistic influences. “Because you are a spirit you survive death and because you are a spirit you are alive today. The spirit within you, which causes you to live, is the same spirit that animates every member of every nation, of every race and of every colour. Spiritually, the people of the world are one.

Spiritualism reveals the spiritual oneness of all mankind. God has made us all members of one vast spiritual family.” Mediums are ordinary people who have, through training, developed their natural ability to communicate with the spirit world. There are different types of mediumships because the people in the spirit world will use whatever means they can to communicate, helping us to understand the truth of everlasting life.

Healers may alleviate suffering but cannot guarantee a cure. Spiritual healing also offers help to the terminally ill, their family and friends, and support in times of bereavement. Spiritual healing is not faith healing. Babies and pets cannot have faith, yet they can all benefit from spiritual healing.

Spiritualism encompasses healing for those in need, either by personal contact,” the laying on of hands”, or through absent healing, where patients are treated via healing through prayer.

Our Evening's Of Mediumship At The Centre

Email :  schoolofmediumship@mail.com

 Tel :  07749454281

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